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Amy Tounget Insurance Agency, LLC Blog

Four Tips for Preventing a House Fire

Did you know that a house catches fire almost every 90 seconds? Did you also know that it only takes two minutes for a fire to become life-threatening? Because house fires can be so dangerous in such a short period of time, our team at Amy Tounget Insurance Agency LLC wants to share some home fire prevention tips with Midlothian, TX homeowners.

Trim Surrounding Vegetation

While there is no way to simply prevent wildfires by yourself, you can reduce the risk of damage to your home by trimming any vegetation around the outside of the home. For example, if you have any trees and shrubs that are growing near the house, make sure to trim them back. Ideally, you should try to keep wild vegetation 100 feet away from the house whenever possible.

Don’t Leave Flames Unattended

One of the main causes of home fires is cooking. Therefore, when cooking, it is imperative that you don’t go too far from the stovetop when it is in use. Children should never be left in the kitchen unsupervised, especially if a stove is in use.

Fireplaces, heaters, and other sources of heat also pose certain fire risks. It is important that dishcloths, aprons, paper towels, cardboard, and any other flammable materials are kept far away from heat sources to minimize the risk of a house fire.

Use Grills with Care

Heat, embers, and ashes from outdoor grills can easily cause wood to spark and ignite. It is a good idea that outdoor grills be kept a minimum of 10 feet away from the home. In addition, you should never leave lighter fluid, charcoal, or anything flammable near the grill while it is in use. When done barbecuing, use water to put the hot coal or wood out to prevent it from continuing to burn.

There are many steps that can be taken to help prevent a house fire, including the tips mentioned above. In the event that a house fire does occur unexpectedly, you will want to ensure that your Midlothian, TX home is properly insured. Contact the team at Amy Tounget Insurance Agency LLC to learn more about the home insurance options we offer.

Home Insurance Exclusions

If you are a homeowner in Midlothian, TX, you understand the importance of having home insurance. It’s an investment that protects your home and its contents from unexpected events like theft, hail, fire, and many other perils. Besides, home insurance provides liability protection and covers loss of use.

Unfortunately, home insurance does not cover every mishap that occurs in your home. To that end, you must understand what home insurance does not cover to avoid disappointments when filing a claim. At Amy Tounget Insurance Agency LLC, we’ve prepared for you what your home insurance does not cover. Be sure to read through the article to understand your home insurance exclusions.


A standard home insurance policy does not cover damage caused by overland flooding. If you live in an area prone to floods, make sure you have a separate flood insurance policy to protect you against floods.

Damage by sewer backups

Water damage from a sewer backup may occur due to old sewer systems, growing tree roots, sanitary blockages, and so forth. Unfortunately, typical home insurance does not cover these damages. As such, you may have to buy an endorsement to cover water damage from sewer backups.

Damage due to neglect 

Damage that arises from poor home maintenance, like uncontrolled mold or pest infestation, is not covered by your standard home insurance policy. In light of this, keep your home well maintained to avoid incurring out-of-pocket repairs.

Earth movement

Typical home insurance does not cover cases like earthquakes, sinkholes, and landslides. But the good news is that you can purchase a separate policy that covers such types of events. 

Home insurance in Midlothian, TX

Before assuming that your home insurance covers you against every peril, be sure to scrutinize your policy limits and exclusions. It’s also wise to talk to your agent if you are unsure whether a specific loss or damage is included in your policy. Ready for your home insurance? Talk to us at Amy Tounget Insurance Agency LLC for an affordable quote.

How much home insurance do you need?

Midlothian, TX is a city southwest of Dallas with an approximate population of 30,000 people. There are many things to love about the small town, including Midlothian being a great place to raise a family. How much home insurance is sufficient for this hidden gem in Ellis County? An agent at Amy Tounget Insurance Agency LLC can help you answer this question. 

Median Values And Insurance Rates

The median value of a single-family home in Midlothian, TX is around $360,000. Your home indemnity policy should cover at least 80 percent of the property’s value.

Why 80 Percent?

Insurance companies typically cover the full cost of damage to a house if the homeowner purchased coverage that accounts for at least 80 percent of the home’s value. This means that a home in Midlothian, TX worth $500,000 would need a home insurance policy worth at least $400,000. 

An insurance company does not leave the homeowner completely in the cold if indemnity coverage falls below 80 percent of the home’s value. The insurer, however, does not pay the entirety of a home’s value in the instance of a total loss if there is not enough coverage. 

You may ultimately find yourself in a financial bind if you fail to purchase enough coverage to meet the insurer’s standards. 

Check Your Policy And Call Amy Tounget For Help

It is not uncommon for a homeowner to fall below the 80 percent standard. Improvements to the property and inflation can lead to an indemnity plan that does not fully speak to the home’s market value. 

It is important to review your insurance policy at least once a year to ensure your financial cushion is still stable. It would help if you also considered getting a new quote for coverage periodically. 

Amy Tounget Insurance Agency LLC can help you understand the terms of your home insurance plan. Call today to see if your policy needs an upgrade.

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